Bury Mortgage
Boring Mileage
Born Martyr
Norm Marlborough
Mormon Mandurah
Moron Pandering
Morals Pending
Cornwall Pastie
Oral Pecks
Coral Packs
Carnal Pricks
Canal Rocks
Anal Crocks
Lame Crooks
Crime Books
Brine Lurks
Brian Burke

I don't think "Cornwall Pastie" should actually be there in the syntax of this poem, but I couldn't help it and it reminded me of the Miami Bakehouse.....the only reason one would stop in Mandurah. If only it was drive thru..... Oh how I miss the cajun chicken pies on the way to Bunghole.
For UK readers - Norm Marlborough..(pictured) was a Minister in the WA Carpenter Government but he and his mate Brian Burke, ex Premier, put Beryl Morgan, ex Busselton Shire Prez, (A Tory!) on the South West Development Commission Board and furthermore, it is alleged, possibly did something somewhat dodgy, it is alleged, with some Busselton Shire Councillors, allegedly, regarding a proposed development at Canal Rocks (pictured and lookin' bewdiful mate).
1 comment:
Anyway... I think Alan Carpenter did the right thing in forcing Burke to resign from the Party. A clean slate! Good onya Carps!
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